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Preventative Measures for Sickle Cell Anemia
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drinking plenty of water is key to preventing an attack.
- Take it easy. Stress and overexertion are Sickle Cell triggers.
- Temperature control. Extreme temperature and barometric pressure changes can trigger a Sickling attack. In the winter keep warm (clothes, infrared sauna or heating pad, hot bath, etc). Beware stepping into a hot bath when you're super cold - allow the body to warm up a bit in the shower before soaking in a hot tub or you may trigger a Sickling crisis / attack. In the summer keep cool (use air conditioning or fans when needed). Try not to get too cold too fast, this too can trigger a crisis / attack.
- Oxygen. Don't forget to breathe. This may sound obvious, but when we are stressed out we breath shallow and over a long period can deplete the cells of oxygen.
- Regular doctor check-ups. Don't forget your doctor appointments. Go there with a list of things to ask or discuss. Early detection is vital. When a diagnosis is severe be sure to get a second and third opinion just in case.
- Diet and exercise are also vital components to preventing Sickle Cell crisis. Having good circulation from light exercise or walking is crucial too. The body and our cells need nourishment from healthy food.
- Talk to your doctor about taking Hydroxyurea as a powerful preventative measure.
- Keep on top of your medications / prescriptions in case of a more serious painful episode.